Frequently Asked Questions

What is Evolutionary Astrology?

If you have read my coaching page, where I explain Evolutionary Astrology in my own words, but still need more information and want to dive deeper - either for your own studies and self-exploration, or before booking a reading or coaching session with me - please enjoy this video of Master Evolutionary Astrologer, immensely wise soul, and spiritual teacher, Steven Forrest. Here you will find his school for Evolutionary Astrology, if you wish to be just like him (which I do).

I recommend ALL of Steven Forrest’s vast library of books as well as Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeffrey Wolf Green, another founding father of Evolutionary Astrology. You will find all of Jeff Green’s books on his website, in addition to an overflowing plethora of other juicy Evolutionary Astrology materials.

I do not earn anything from sharing these links with you. I am but a humble fangirl.

How much do your services cost?

On each page, I have ensured that my fees are easy to find and comprehend. I offer a sliding scale for all of my services to accommodate a range income levels. I also offer discounts for my wedding officiating services, including but not limited to families with small children. There is also a discount on my coaching services if you schedule multiple sessions in advance.

Wedding Officiating Services: $100 - $450

Coaching Services: $17 - $111 (per session)

Astrological Readings: $77 - $144

Tarot Readings: $22 - $44

Can I meet you before hiring you?

Yes, absolutely. If you are within driving distance of Concord, NH we can schedule an in-person meeting. If you are not local or do not wish to meet face-to-face, we can schedule a video call. You are welcome to ask me any questions you may have about how Happily Evo Astro can best serve you.

If you have more questions, please reach out and ask!