Are you ready for your

happily ever after?

Did you say, “Yes!” but…

  • struggle to see the point of life?

  • feel that life should be more enjoyable?

  • believe you should be doing more?

  • feel you lost the excitement you once had?

  • want to live more authentically?

  • want to discover who you truly are?

  • want to find your true purpose?

If you resonate with any of these feelings, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for.

Happily Evo Astro offers a unique approach to life coaching, called Personal Evolution Guidance.

wild plant, early morning light, sun rising in the background.

What is Personal Evolution Guidance?

Personal Evolution Guidance is a combination of Life Purpose Coaching and Evolutionary Astrology, each defined here:

Life Purpose Coaching

In life purpose coaching, we believe that you were born into this specific life for a purpose. We also believe that with the right kind of encouragement, support, and belief in your brilliance and potential, we can help you to recover your awareness of this dormant purpose. Some might refer to your life purpose as your “calling” or your “destiny,” but the term used is not important. What’s important is that its elusive existence causes you to wonder why you’re alive, what you are supposed to be doing, and why it is so difficult to live a more fulfilling, meaningful, joyful existence.

What is the difference between life purpose coaching and mainstream life coaching?

In regular life coaching, a life coach will help you to: get rid of your outdated and limiting beliefs, set and accomplish goals, feel more confident and capable of success, and figure out how to live the life of your dreams. The difference between this more mainstream brand of coaching and Life Purpose Coaching is that we believe that there is something uniquely special about you which, once rediscovered, will help you to redefine the words confidence, goals, and success in a way that reshapes your entire perspective on life. In Life Purpose Coaching, you will not only find better tools and habits with which to become a better version of yourself, but awaken to how incredible, powerful, and magnificent you already are.

Life purpose coaching not only helps you to stretch your branches out to get more sunlight and touch more possibilities. Working with a life purpose coach can also help you to dig your roots deeper, down where the soil is more rich and nourishing.

Evolutionary Astrology

According to Steven Forrest, one of the founding fathers of Evolutionary Astrology, it is, “a style of astrology that understands each person's birth chart as a map of the soul's evolution.” It combines your past and how it made you who you are, your current life and how you got here, and what the grand plan is for the evolution of your soul in this lifetime. A birth chart is a map of the solar system that is frozen in time at the moment of your birth, describing your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and a guideline for living more truthfully, becoming the most authentic version of yourself, and fulfilling your life’s unique purpose.

What is the difference between evolutionary astrology and mainstream astrology?

In mainstream, modern, western astrology - which is what most people think of when they hear the words astrology, zodiac, or horoscope in the western world today - the focus is predominantly on what adjectives describe your sun sign, who you should be with romantically, what set of characteristics you are doomed to suffer with, and how you will be affected by cosmic events like Mercury retrograde. Evolutionary Astrology aims to go much deeper while simultaneously being much more forgiving, open-minded, and supportive. In Evolutionary Astrology, the planets want you to grow, evolve, and become a happier, fuller person. The planets want to teach and guide you in, rather than to trap and trip you. Things like Mercury retrograde, called transits, become periods of possibility and lesson-learning rather than times of trial and tribulation, because in Evolutionary Astrology, you are in the star; the planets just play supporting parts.

Say hello to our friend and tough-love spiritual master, Pluto. The planet of transformation, the search for truth, the struggle for power, and the realization of one's destiny.

How can Life Purpose Coaching and Evolutionary Astrology be combined?

Life Purpose Coaching and Evolutionary Astrology are actually wildly compatible due to the way they both support you in taking the journey toward self-realization, individuation, and discovering the reason you are living this life. Many Evolutionary Astrologers might consider their work to be similar to life coaching.

Happily Evo Astro considers Evolutionary Astrology to be the tool and Life Purpose Coaching to be the work. We use Evolutionary Astrology to help you to see your truth and Life Purpose Coaching to help you to put it into action for your highest benefit. In each coaching session, we will analyze a different aspect of your birth chart and use what we find to work on a related aspect in your life. When combined, they create a beautiful genre of life coaching, which is what we call Personal Evolution Guidance - we guide you through your very personal journey of evolution.

How could Personal Evolution Coaching help you?

snowy landscape at night, starry sky, bright lights streaming up and down the highway.
The present is determined by our past actions, and the future by the present.
— Swami Vivekananda

Personal Evolution Guidance

The foundation of Happily Evo Astro’s helping and healing philosophy depends on Evolutionary Astrology, which requires that we examine the client’s natal chart prior to - and oftentimes throughout - your coaching sessions. Each program relies on the information we analyze in your chart, but not all programs focus heavily on astrology. Please check out our programs, where you will see what their goals are, what tools they use, and how many sessions are recommended for the maximum benefit.

But what does it all cost?

  • Are you feeling the itch to escape your everyday life and start over? You can. I believe that you came into this life with a plan, which many call, “life purpose.” That is a quick way to say, “there is something you could be doing that would make you truly happy.” This program requires that you let go of outdated mindsets, scrap your preconceived notions, rewrite the story of who you thought you were, and set intentions to live in alignment with what brings you the most joy. In this program, you will uncover whatever has been holding you back and discover what it is you want to accomplish and become in this life. 


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mind-Mapping, Goal Setting, Journaling

    Optional Tools:

    Dream Analysis, Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    6 to 10 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Do you wonder why you are the way you are, why you do things the way you do, and what it would take to grow and evolve into the highest expression of your true self? On some level, I think we all wonder these things about ourselves, but oftentimes feel too complex, too easily misunderstood, and too weird to explore our enigmatic natures, either alone or with others. In this program, we will use evolutionary astrology to dive in and explore your natal chart to figure you out in a way that nothing else ever has before. 


    Evolutionary Astrology, Journaling

    Optional Tools:

    Dream Analysis, Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    8 to 10 Weeks Recommended to Complete Natal Chart Analysis

    Registration Form

  • Are your dreams weird, confusing, and full of nonsensical situations? Do you wake up and immediately research the meaning of certain things you dream of, finding that nothing you read makes sense or helps you to understand why you dreamed of it? It is becoming more widely believed that dreams are not just random things our brains do while we sleep. I believe that our dreams happen - and that we remember them - to aid us in processing scenarios, dilemmas, and complications that are happening in our waking reality. In this program, you will analyze your dreams in a way that helps you to navigate, comprehend, and thrive in your everyday life. 


    Dream Analysis, Symbolism, Dream Journaling, Evolutionary Astrology

    Optional Tools:

    Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    6 to 10 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Is there something you have always wanted to do, or did you just realize that there is something glaring at you from your bucket list? Are you working on a goal, but feel like you are making no progress on your own? I understand the struggle, but you do not have to continue to struggle or feel so defeated that you give up. I believe that you have exactly what it takes to accomplish this goal, but that you probably have some blockages that are keeping you from progressing. In this program, you will uncover all that is holding you back. Then, you will figure out how to hurdle over it and hit the ground running, making up for lost time. 


    Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mind-Mapping, Goal Setting, Journaling, the Law of Attraction, Evolutionary Astrology


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    4 to 6 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Are you generally content with your everyday life, but feel that something is not quite right, or that there is a piece missing that might make you feel absolutely complete? Is there something, someone, or some part of yourself that you used to have, but somehow misplaced or lost altogether? Are you unsure of what it is, but still feel the void within? In this program, you will discover what is missing, where you lost it, why you suddenly need it, how your life would change if you had it, and what you need to do next. 


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mind-Mapping, Goal Setting, Journaling, the Law of Attraction

    Optional Tools:

    Dream Analysis, Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    4 to 6 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Do you have a goal that you are trying to achieve, a void that you are trying to fill, a thing that you are trying to obtain, or a person whom you are trying to attract? Are you knowledgeable about manifesting (also known as the Law of Attraction) but cannot seem to make it work for you? In this program, you will realize why you have this particular desire and why you are struggling to manifest it into your reality. You will then learn what you need to do in order to come into alignment with your desire so that it becomes a destination on your life’s path. 


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mind-Mapping, Goal Setting, Journaling, the Law of Attraction

    Optional Tools:

    Dream Analysis, Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    4 to 6 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Do you love or have an interest in tarot cards? Do you also love or have an interest in self-realization, personal growth, and the evolution of your soul? The Major Acana of the tarot deck, also called The Fool’s Journey, is representative of the archetypal progression of a human being on their path from spiritual infancy to spiritual awakening. In this program, you will journey through the major arcana of your own life as you gently analyze your past, discover where in the journey you currently are, and what awaits you on your soul’s path. 


    Divination Cards, The Tarot, Jungian Archetypes, The Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey, Evolutionary Astrology


    Accelerated Program - 7 Weeks / Weekly 1.5-Hour Sessions

    Regular Program - 11 Weeks / 11 Weekly 1.5-Hour Sessions

    In-Depth Program - 22 Weeks / 22 Weekly 1-Hour Sessions

    Registration Form

Life Event Guidance

  • Congratulations on your engagement or on being newly married! This is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit worrisome and confusing. Did you make the right choice? Are you truly compatible and capable of establishing a solid foundation for a lifelong marriage? We believe that you are everything you wish for the two of you to be. However, it might require extra heightened self-awareness, vulnerability, and compromise. In this program, you will discover your differences and the challenging aspects of your connection, what makes your connection special, why you have found one another, what you are meant to learn from each other, and how to evolve in order to meet the needs of the relationship.


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Journaling

    Optional Tools:

    Dream Analysis, Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    8 to 10 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! Whether this is your first or fifth pregnancy, it will undoubtedly fill your with curiosity and the thrill of the unknown. This one-of-a-kind program will guide you on an evolutionary journey through the remainder of your pregnancy, preparing you for birthing a new being into the world, and elevating your authentic self to meet the demands of parenting this special little soul. You will discover the roots of any struggles you have been experiencing, how best to navigate the physical, emotional, and spiritual changes you are going through, and what evolution needs to take place for you to become the best version of yourself as a parent.


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Dream Analysis, Journaling

    Optional Tools:

    Divination Cards, Mind Mapping, Goal Setting


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    Two 1-Hour Weekly Sessions - 20% off 2nd Session

    8 to 12 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • They say that grief is an expression of all the love we are no longer able to give. Whether it is grief for a loved one who has died, a phase of your life that has ended, a part of yourself that you have let go of, or something you will never see again, there is always still so much love left to give. It feels like a sharp rock in the center of your chest that never leaves. However, it can get smaller and a bit softer. This program is meant to give you a sense of peace by processing the purpose of your loss, developing spiritual strategies with which to cope and heal, and help you to see through the fog of grief into everything that the rest of your life holds the potential for.


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Dream Analysis, Journaling, Divination Cards,

    Optional Tools:

    Mind Mapping, Goal Setting, Neuro-Linguistic Programming


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    Two 1-Hour Weekly Sessions - 20% off 2nd Session

    6 to 16 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • Endings are never easy. They mean change, which can be terrifying. It is so terrifying because on the other side of change is The Unknown. We fear what is unknown to us because we have no experience with it and doubt our ability to tolerate, survive, and thrive within it. However, there is a reason that this has come to an end. On the other side of this end may be unknown to you, but it is undoubtedly a new beginning. If you think back on your life, no matter how long you have been alive thus far, you have experienced endings and new beginnings. You have always survived them. You will survive this one, too. This program is meant to give you a sense of peace by processing the purpose of this ending, develop spiritual strategies with which to become more trusting and resilient, and help you to see through the confusion and fear into all the goodness that is possible on the other side.


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Dream Analysis, Journaling, Divination Cards, Mind Mapping, Goal Setting, Neuro-Linguistic Programming


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    6 to 12 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

  • You may be in a relationship or you may only yearn to be. You may be at the beginning of this experience together or you may feel that it is ending. You may be somewhere in the middle and just want the connection to evolve to the next level. Regardless of where you are together, receiving guidance from a coach and astrologer can give you insights into the connection that your intuition has just barely glimpsed so far. If you are not in a relationship, this guidance will help you to see the reason for this and what you need to do to bring romantic love into your life. This program is designed to show you the part you play in relationship to others, the gifts you bring, the love you need, and the tools you have within you to evolve yourself to the next level of relating to the other.

    This program has the option of involving your partner in the process, which will require that their information be submitted with yours. You will need to complete two registration forms and separately detail your unique feelings about the need for evolutionary guidance.


    Evolutionary Astrology, Visualization Practices, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Journaling, Dream Analysis, Divination Cards


    1-Hour Weekly Sessions

    8 to 10 Weeks Recommended for Max Benefit

    Registration Form

One-Time Guidance

  • Are you a lover of astrology, but find that there are planets you do not fully understand in your natal chart? Do you enjoy following planetary transits and find that you currently have or will soon have a particularly challenging transit that you want guidance with facing? Do you have a current or upcoming transit that you want to take full advantage of and use to your benefit? In this session, we will dive deeply into the impact that this planet has on human existence, how it influences your particular cosmic makeup, and what it has in store for you. If you are interested in the transit of this planet, we will explore the potential futures that this transit is offering you and how you can best navigate the transit for the best possible outcome. 

    Tools: Evolutionary Astrology

    Optional Tools: Divination Cards

    Duration & Fees:

    One 1-Hour Session - $77

    One 2-Hour Session - $144

    Optional Follow-Up Session - $77

    Purchase Here

bright, colorful, starry sky with person looking up in awe.
Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.
— Dane Rudhyar

What does it all cost?

We believe that spiritual, emotional, and astrological advice, support, and guidance should be accessible to all. We offer a sliding scale to accommodate a range of income levels.

  • This is the highest fee that I accept per hour. A portion of your payment will go toward supporting my efforts to remain accessible to truth-seeking, purposeful, amazing human beings who live within much more restrictive income limits.

    $111 per session

  • This is the standard fee that I charge for coaching sessions.

    $77 per session

    Booking at least 4 consecutive weekly sessions at a time:

    $66 per session ($264 total)

    Booking at least 8 consecutive weekly sessions at a time:

    $55 per session ($440 total)

  • It is my aim to be accessible to all. I do not believe that spiritual, emotional, or astrological support and guidance should be out of anyone’s reach.

    $44 per session

    Booking at least 4 consecutive weekly sessions at a time:

    $33 per session ($132 total)

    Booking at least 8 consecutive weekly sessions at a time:

    $22 per session ($176 total)

    Disclosure: We do ask that you show proof of need. Examples: food stamps, WIC, or Medicaid card.

  • This is an in-case-of-emergency tier, which is meant for when you are really struggling and desperately need advice and guidance.

    Sessions are limited to One Half Hour.

    $17 per session

    Disclosure: We do ask that you show proof of need. Examples: food stamps, WIC, or Medicaid card.

Meet the Guide