welcome to parenthood.
you’re not alone here.
Pregnancy can be unexpectedly overwhelming, isolating, and tumultuous, regardless of how thrilled and ecstatic you are to have this being growing within you. You have questions, concerns, and no desire to ask your doctor, mother, or that sweet friend who had a devastating birthing experience. Online forums can be unhelpful, although well-meaning. Podcasts are great, but you can’t exactly ask those questions that make it harder to fall asleep than it already is. We get it.
If this is your first pregnancy or the first pregnancy that has stuck, having a prenatal doula can make a world of difference. You can ask all of your questions, express your deepest fears, discuss your traumas, discover techniques for coping, become more resilient, plan for parenthood, figure out the birth experience you want most, and feel much less alone. Together, we will celebrate this pregnancy and all the incredible potential you are carrying inside you.
We offer trauma-informed support, labor and birth preparation guidance, empathetic listening, person-centered care, and evidence-based information.
Please reach out to inquire about our sliding scale fee or to ask any questions you might have about our services.
Labor & Birth
You are undoubtedly a tough, resilient person with a determination to have the birth experience of your dreams and the willpower to push past all of the nonsensical obstacles in your path. However, no matter how strong and powerful you truly are, some obstacles are very difficult to surmount when you (and your partner) are on your own, feeling exceptionally vulnerable, and desperate for your baby to be born kicking and screaming.
Sometimes, no matter how much research you have done, how many mantras you have memorized, which interventions you have decided to avoid, or the copious coping strategies you have practiced, having a trained and educated doula to hold your hand may be the one thing that really makes the difference.
We offer trauma-informed support, labor and birth preparation guidance, empathetic listening, unmedicated birthing experience, person-centered care, and evidence-based information. Our doula will be the cheerleader, guide, and companion you need to have this baby the way you are meant to.
Please reach out to inquire about our sliding scale fee or to ask any questions you might have about our services.
New parents lack the loving, supportive care their ancestors received when living among multiple generations of relatives. These days, that support system may come in the form of a seasoned mother, trained doula, and spiritual guide. Bringing a doula into your lives at this sensitive time can make a tremendous difference in the well-being and vitality of these first years of parenthood, your relationship with your partner, and your connection to this new version of yourself.
When family is far away or unhelpful, friends are busy or you don’t want to ask them for help, and you want more than just a nanny, you find a postpartum doula. We can help straighten up your house, listen empathically to your woes, connect you with resources, provide you with newborn care guidance, stay awake with your baby, let you take a nap, give you pro parenting tips, offer relationship guidance, and more.
Bereaved Parents
Our doula is a Pregnancy & Infant Loss survivor, trained advocate, and bereavement doula. You are not alone and should not suffer alone. We are here for you.
Please reach out to inquire about our sliding scale fee or to ask any questions you might have about our services.
Do you feel like you cannot catch a break, do everything wrong, have no idea what you’re doing, can’t remember why you had kids or whether you showered this week or maybe it was last week? Welcome to parenthood!
If you thought you had it all together, were doing a perfect job, had all your ducks in a row and all your kids following you in a magically ducky little line, I would wonder which closet you were hiding your piles of laundry. None of us know what we are doing!
However, some of us know how to help others to figure out what to do. Believe it or not, the best parents are the ones who make sure their own needs are being met and their own bodies, minds, hearts, and souls are being cared for. The best parents know that, although their kids are the most important beings on the planet now, it is extremely important that those kids have healthy, happy parents.
Parenting guidance is less “How to Parent” and more “How to Be a Healthy, Happy Person While You are Parenting.” What we offer is a variation of life coaching that focuses on the issues and goals you have in regards to your life as the parent to your children. We look at the struggles and find the roots, dig down deep, and work on them from the bottom up. It is one thing to vent to your friends and listen to their parenting advice. It is another to have one-on-one coaching from an experienced parent, life coach, and spiritual guide.
Please reach out to inquire further and ask questions.